Monday, January 2, 2023

Day 2

 My official first day was Jan. 1 and it went pretty good.  I had only one slip-up after beginning the fast at 3:00 p.m.  and I made it past my 16 hrs.  I did track my calories and they bordered on too many so I need to pay attention to that.

I also got back on the treadmill and managed to get in 20 minutes for the first time in over a month.  My exercise goal is to mix it up between treadmill and doing the fitness/aerobic exercise routine.

I've got to get moving more plus free weights are a must at my age.  I'm optimistic that this is going to work.  I need a change.  

Saturday, December 31, 2022

16:8 Fast


Day 1:  Dec. 31 2022

Fast begins at 3:00 p.m. 

I didn't track calories well today, but plan to do better tomorrow.  Still, the fast begins at 3:00 p.m.

Monday, December 26, 2022

December 2022

 I'm hit and miss with this blog and the same goes for trying to lose weight and do something positive about my diet.  It's certainly challenging with all of my new diagnosis. 

My latest diagnosis is that I have Lichen Planus, which is another autoimmune disorder.  My list of other autoimmune diseases:  Hashimoto's Disease, Celiac Disease, Dermatitus Herpetiformis and now Lichen Planus.  

Looking back I now realize  that I probably had Lichen Planus before DH. I'm sure I've had Celiac Disease for at least twenty years and it was un-diagnosed.  The same goes for Lichen Planus.  It caused all of my hair loss, not DH.  

I have now lost most of my hair, so much so that I need to wear a wig.  I am taking Plaquenil to try to stop the hair loss, but the drug takes anywhere from 2 -6 months to work.  Most of my hair will be gone by then.  I have resigned myself to wearing a wig.

In the meantime I have other health issues, the main one being my weight.   Due to my two hip surgeries in 2019, followed by Covid- 19 and many other health issues I have now gained 20 lbs.  This added weight is contributing to more health issues and I must deal with it to keep from declining.  

I am frustrated by the fact that there's not an exercise class at the health club any longer.  There is a class at the center twice a week that I will go to.  I also have a video of the class so that I can exercise at home.  We now have a treadmill to walk on and I need to get on it. 

I am using MFP to track calories and want to try intermittent fasting at 16:8.  

I need a weekly weigh-in and my plan is to post it here every Monday.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

 It's more than two years since my last post on this blog.  The Covid-19 pandemic was not even on the horizon and I had not had my second hip replacement which did not go as well as expected.  

I continued to have many issues with Celiac and DH.  In August of 2020 I my rash began breaking out once again.  I thought it was cross-contamination from somewhere.  I was obsessed with re-cleaning everything in my kitchen in an effort to try to find the source.  Nothing worked.  

I had read about the AIP diet and after discussing what to do with my doctor I finally decided that it was the only way I could find out what the problem was.  On Jan. 4th I started the diet.  It eliminates ALL grains, dairy, coffee, sugar, coffee, nuts and seeds, eggs, nightshade vegetables, and caffeine.  It was also suggested that it was best to do that for 30 days before re-introducing a food.

The first time around it did give me some relief and I began re-introducing food.  Eventually, the rash came back and once again I couldn't figure out why.  I happened to read about a book that suggested eliminating ALL grains, because they all have some form of gluten, even though some of them are supposed to be okay for those with Celiac disease.  That was the aha moment.

After going AIP and then NOT re-introducing foods with corn or rice, in other words any grain, I was able to re-introduce everything else.  I was also able to stop taking dapsone.  A first.  

That was in April 2021.  By June 2021, I had it figured out.  I have had several instances of cross-contamination and breakouts, but for the most part, they don't last long.  A couple of days.  I try to not take dapsone during those episodes.

As for my rash, it has started to fade on my legs, but not anywhere else.  I have lost even more of my hair and my scalp is still trying to recover.   It looks to me that it will be at least another six months before some of the rash is really gone. Maybe some of it will never go away. 

My issue now is to try to get to a balanced healthy diet.  I am still eating too much sugar and any baked goods are now loaded with even more calories than one would eat on a gluten diet.  How do I get there?

I know I have willpower because it takes a lot of it to stay GF and grain-free.  I am trying to track my calories and food eaten on My Fitness Pal.  I am also trying to get back to walking every day as exercise.  

Things have changed since the pandemic.  I used to go to the health club, but the woman who held the strength/aerobics classes is no longer there.  The club no longer seems to be an option for trying to stay fit, which is something I miss.  

I need to keep trying to find a way.  

Monday, April 29, 2019

Celiac and DH Week 7

This is day one of no coffee for me.  Yesterday eggs and dairy went off my list of foods I can eat.  Today coffee. 

Still 50 mg. of Dapsone. 

Today's food:

Breakfast:  Liver and onions with chopped broccoli.

Lunch:  Chicken Soup with kale, carrots and celery.

Dinner:  King Salmon filet and coleslaw with pineapple dressing.

Snack:  Marion berries with agave syrup
             Hersheys kisses

Exercise:  Walk to newspaper boxes and then a walk to Underwoods.

The rash is about the same as yesterday.  Still having lots of hair loss.  I have lost more than half of my hair.  Ugh! 

Very low energy this morning. Did not sleep well last night.  I took a nap from about 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

It's time to try the Paleo Gluten Free Diet

Breakfast this morning consisted of 3 eggs scrambled and broccoli.  Mid-morning 3 oz. of liver fried with bear lard, butter and onions.

At 11:00 a.m. my rash became more prominant even after taking my 50 mg. of Dapsone at 8:30 a.m.  My only thought is it might be from the eggs.  I have decided to eliminate eggs from my diet for the time being and also to try the Paleo Diet.  It must be lean protein, veggies and berries with fiber.

No nuts, eggs, grains, legumes or dairy at this time.  We'll see how the rash responds to this diet.  Also going coffee free.  Ugh!

My weight is the same today.  This is after exercising every day this week.  Mon- aerobics and hike to Underwoods.  Tues. hike to Underwoods and newspaper box, Wed. hike to Underwoods and newspaper box, Thurs, Hike to Underwoods, Fri. aerobics and walking.

I took another 25 mg. of Dapsone at 11:30.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Celiac and DH - Gluten Free 7 weeks

I've had this diagnosis for seven weeks now.  The DH rash has improved slightly, but it still so itchy it drives me crazy.  I'm on 50 mg of Dapsone now(week 3) with not much improvment from 25 mg.  I've decided to take more drastic measures with my diet.

Gluten Free means no wheat, rye, barley oats corn or rice.

No processed foods.  Period.

No milk products or soy products.  Almond milk only.

Honey as sweetner.

Olive or walnut oil.

Fruits and veggies allowed except corn and potatoes.  Fresh is possible.  Berries with fiber are a must.

Lean beef or pork, chicken and fish.  Tuna and salmon.  Eggs are okay for now.

Some nuts and seeds.  No peanuts.

No iodized salt and I will try to keep salt intake as low as possible.

Let's hope this helps.

Todays foods:
 2 eggs, 1 slice of GF ham

soy yogurt, mandarin orance, GF kombucha

green salad with kale, carrots and broccolli slaw, GF corn chips, garbanzo beans  with Litehouse Salsa Ranch dressing

3 milk chocolate kisses

2 Cutie oranges

1 c. raspberries with sugar